Sunday, May 20, 2012

Failure Is Inevitable Part Of Thinking Big

It has been almost 11 months of trainings, work experiences and self studying. My Internship program is almost done. And I can look back and honestly say…

I have learned a lot of about sales techniques, presentations models, emotional and social intelligence, consumer behavior which is inevitable part of every business. But what is the most important lesson I have learned? 

Failure is inevitable part of thinking big and going after what are you really passionate about.
I have embraced failure like experience which is necessary part of my path to become who I want to be. I have started really low at beginning with no results. The toughest task was overcome yourself. I did it.

What did help me?
  • Strong defined purpose of life
  • Firm belief that there is no outer limits, only you can limit yourself
  •  Desire to succeed in life and don’t let negative outcome take your dreams
  • Abiltity to take action in crisis
We  ”people” are tool which help to us but on other hand as well weight which drag us down. You are in control of your life. You decide where you want to go, what you want to do. Start using more your gut, heart even though it will be irrational. 
The life is not about finding yourself; it is more about creating yourself. This experience helped me create tool which will help pursue next challenge of life. 
So do not look for the right time anymore, it is NOW...