What is the first thing that comes to your mind if you think black and white? You might think about bad and good, war and peace, fear and hope or something else? It is contrast isn’t t it?
Have you ever heard how you can use contrast in persuasion?
I have some fun example. I tried it out and I think you might try it out as well. I bet you will like it as I did. Imagine you are owner of your boutique where you are selling your stuff. Customer enters and he says he wants to buy nice elegant cashmere sweater and 3 buttons black striped suit. You are a person who wants to help what would you offer like a first?
If you showed first suit, you would for sure sell sweater as well. However if you did it reverse, you wouldn’t sell sweater and you might not sell suit as well. Why?
There is an automatic mechanism inside of human beings which called law of contrast. It means if we can spend 495 Euro on suit and after they offer us sweater for 95 Euro which you wouldn’t spend normally, you would buy it now. You are influenced because of law of contrast. If you spent already 495 Euro, sweater would seem for 95 Euro cheaper than it is.
You can try law of contrast as well home. You can make a little experiment home. You pour coke (sweet), water (neutral) and salty water (salty) into 3 cups. You drink first coke and after water. How does it feel? I bet water seems to be less sweet than actually is. Now drink first salty water and after water. Water will seem sweeter than actually is. There you can see how you are influenced by law of contrast.
The first and second lines are equal length, third and fourth as well, yet the second appears to be shorter than the first |
Enjoy weekend and try to use law of contrast :)