Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Loyalty Vs Short-term Manipulation

When I walk through alleys of big food chain store I see everywhere just price reduction, promotions. They want me to buy the most but they do not care about me, my needs, and my wants. They don’t know me. However there appears one question. Am I inspired to go back and become loyal to the same big food chain store? I think that I am not. Are you?

Are you interested in coming back every time you go shopping? You walk in, you plan to buy some stuff, but usually you still end up with full cart, with groceries which are not healthy and good for you. In my opinion there is absolutely no culture, no significant difference between them and other big store. They do not make me feel that I am special. I do not feel any reason to come back and being loyal.

I believe there must be a different way how to do it. How build loyalty. People need to be inspired by story of store, by values or by purpose. We should explain difference between what most people do
  • Repeat business- it means people do business several times, but only through manipulation (price, promotions, peer pressure, novelty, and aspiration).  
  • What loyalty means- people are willing to turn down better offer, price, and product only because they want to keep your business? 
Why I would like to see this? I would feel like somebody care, you know that feeling where you deserve to have your favorite store, person where you come for advice (what to cook, what ingredients buy, what physical exercise to do to feel healthier). You will know that there will be somebody who you can trust. I am not saying that price would be cheaper. However I am sure you would agree with me that the best investment is investment in you.  Wouldn’t be nice to being part of community where you would know that people think same way about food, physical exercises, and healthy way of life. Would you like to belong there? I am honest with you, I would. 

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