Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Inspire To Make It Happen

Recently I have heard story about entrepreneur and motivation which I like. So I would like to share.

There was an entrepreneur who decided to open business abroad. Reason he came up with idea, that when he can employ people from his country and give them less paycheck than local people who worked in country he can sell product cheaper. Initially it is good plan, because he operated from win to win thinking. It means customers wins, because he buys cheaper, employer wins because he earns more than in his home country and owner wins because he creates business which produce profit.

However there is one single problem. Do you want to guess?

All business model was set up on manipulation. And manipulation brings only short term results, however on long run it will not work at all. He used paycheck to motivate employers to work and price should motivate buyers to buy... What happened is simple. His employers started asking more money, which means his profit margins declined and at end his price end up like his competitors. It meant his value in price disappeared.

What I think he could do different? At first of all he should give people he employed reason to work there. E.g. He could explain that he want to create store where people will come back with pleasure because he believes that people deserves friend in a shop not a seller. He should engage his employers with autonomy to bring any ideas which could lead to growth of business.  He should explain why he opened business. Business is not open because of making profit. It has to be open towards certain cause. And product or service is simple putting a life to cause.

I think there is a difference between motivation and inspiration. We can find motivation inside of us, however we should inspire others. What do you think about it? Imagine how you can inspire people around you?


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