Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Want To Make Positive Impact, Initiate a Community Around You

Imagine since early age you were always part of something bigger. If you played soccer, you would become part of soccer team, if you wanted to be singer, you would join a band to play with. 
"If you wanted something achieve, you would join something bigger than you." 
Based upon this you can think that your team or band is group of any size, whose members share the same values, beliefs and interest, right? What you created or became part of is called a community.

If you want to create positive impact, I encourage you to initiate community around you. If you want to become more effective in what you do, you will join people who share the same values, goals like you. Why I think about building more communities? Because what I see around us is interesting insight.  Nowadays a lot of people want to become director, executive officer, entrepreneur, manager. If you asked question yourself, why would you like to become that person? What is your answer? Most of people usually say because of having control, money, fame, success, public awareness and so. All answers aim only to one person, you. I assume that this is reason no.1 why there is a problem in society. This is reason why people cannot stick to their commitments, values. That is reason why there are crisis all around our society. People are self centered. They focus to be more powerful, having more money, being more successful. More you, you, you...

Let me share story I have read in one book. Imagine year 1890, there is Samuel Pierpont Langley- smart, skilled, surrounded with technicians, well funded inventor. He has all what he needs to have success in what he tries to accomplish. He was trying to build first flying machine. However when we look closer at his intention we find following. He wanted become the first person who would build flying machine. Because he knew if he did it, he would achieve fame, money, and appreciation. At other side were brothers Wrights. They didn’t have anything what Langley had. It includes all sources for building of flying machine. However their intentions, motivation and purpose were different. They knew if they succeeded they would help people. They would change travelling, they believe in positive impact to people. They focused on community. They believed and inspired others in community to join them in their cause. That was a real strength of them. And after many attempts, they won like first one. A community built around them won. Can you see a difference?

Why do communities encourage you? Because
  1. Everyone belongs – have feeling that you are part of something bigger, gives you power to win in any circumstances
  2. Deserve a chance- there is no limitation, everybody in a group deserve a shoot
  3. What you do is a important- it doesn’t matter what you do because it will benefit others which mean it is important always
  4. Serve others- you show caring about welfare of others, you know that you can make positive impact in their life’s
  5. Self fulfillment- you are not driven by money, fame but with purpose of your work
I think it is time to build more communities around us. I encourage you, be part of one or initiate new one. If you inside of community, it lets you focus on something more important than yourself. 
"Community let you be active in what you do and achieve better results. "

Let me know what you think about it and if you would like to build any community­ shoot me email about it.          


  1. Tvoja story potvrdzuje aj druhu story ktoru som zase ja cital.. Edison nebol prvy kto vynasiel ziarovku neviem presne kolky bol ale bol okolo 17 miesta nepametam si presne ale bol prvy co rozsvietil NY a dal ludom elektriku podstate za maly poplatok.
    A ku tej komunite je jasne ze ak clovek robi nieci sam je velmi tazke sa prinutit ale ak to robi pre niekoho a je zodpovedny pre urcitu skupinu ludi ktory su tiez zapaleny tak to ide ovela lahsie a robi to pre zabavu a peniaze slava a uspech pridu potom. To je len ceresnicka na torte.
    ...great article...

    1. Myslim si, ze ako aj tvoja aj moja story potvrdzuju, ze vonku je vela podobnych prikladov. Tz. je cas nasledovat dany smer. Citim to presne tak isto ako si to opisal o tej komunite. Dik za comment
