Sunday, March 11, 2012

What Does It Take To Become An Entrepreneur

Every day I try to work, read, self develop and only because of one goal. I want to become an entrepreneur. What does it mean? When I was browsing through web I found many definitions which we could use...

However I stumble upon one great article from Simon Sinek where he gave a great explanation what does it take to become an entrepreneur? So I will share his story with you:

„It was one Sunday morning and Simon and his friend were running a 4 mile race together in New York. His friend works for a large bank down on Wall Street and on more than one occasion he has mentioned to Simon a desire to start his own biz one day. Based upon how disciplined he was, Simon assumed that he could be a great entrepreneur. That was...until they got to the end of the race. At end of the race they give away free stuff to runners. They were giving bagels. There was a table where were boxes of bagels. On one side of the table were volunteers giving out the bagels. On the other side was a long line of runners waiting to get a free bagel. So after running, Simon said let´s get free bagels, his friend turned to him, looked at line and said „nahh, forget it, line is too long. “ Simon said again: „C´ mon let´ s get free bagel. “and again he repeated:  „yeah but I don’t want to wait. “  .That was the point where Simone realized that his friend he could be never an entrepreneur “

Because entrepreneurs see things they want or need and they figure out a way how to get it. They don’t give up on things that they would like to have because of external factors. Regular people see a long line, they see standard process they need to go through and they sacrifice what they want just because of first objections.

What Happened Next?
Simon still wanted bagels so he was pushing his friend, however he was still saying that he doesn’t want to wait for. Simon walked up to tables, leaned through the line, put his hand in one of boxes, pulled out two bagels and walked back to his friend. By the way, no single person in the line said anything to him.  I will quote Simon: „Some people may think if everybody would do it, we would have anarchy. And that is true: „If everyone had what it took to be an entrepreneur, but everyone doesn’t. “ That is a reason why most people don’t start their own biz and why the most of people stand in the line.


  1. Simon isn´t an entrepreneur.. He´s just an impolite cheeky bastard. An entrepreneur character is a person who´d stand in front of the line and yell: "There´s a brand new store two blocks away where they´re giving away free iPads!" The long line would definitely convert into three persons one :D And people wouldn´t blame him - but themselves for being naive...

  2. I agree with you that he is not entrepreneur, he just tries to inspire other people to make things that inspire them. If he did that, he would be liar. I think that lying is not the best value. By walking to table and taking bagels he has just shown courage, ability to take risk and goal oriented mentality. Skills which are known for leaders, entrepreneur. ...
