Thursday, July 26, 2012

Running, Socializing, HavingFun All In English

Hey people recently I have written a post about starting up a community. If you didn’t read, I would encourage you to do that.

Instead of just talking and thinking about it I have decided to act. I love running and being social. So I decided to connect these two activities. While I was living in USA I saw that many people combine them, run with friends and have fun. I want to try it here too. So I would like to start this community to meet new runners, have fun and being social. So let s have fun while running and meeting each other. Plus I would add that we can talk in English. I am sure you would agree that the best way how you can learn is that you will not aware of that you are learning. .

"You migh thinking why to join?" You can choose reason but because you can

 + Boost your confidence
 + Improve your health
 + Relieve stress
 + Have fun
 + Meet new interesting people
 + Use English language 

 I love hearing from you all so feel free to leave  comments or email me in English :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Want To Make Positive Impact, Initiate a Community Around You

Imagine since early age you were always part of something bigger. If you played soccer, you would become part of soccer team, if you wanted to be singer, you would join a band to play with. 
"If you wanted something achieve, you would join something bigger than you." 
Based upon this you can think that your team or band is group of any size, whose members share the same values, beliefs and interest, right? What you created or became part of is called a community.

If you want to create positive impact, I encourage you to initiate community around you. If you want to become more effective in what you do, you will join people who share the same values, goals like you. Why I think about building more communities? Because what I see around us is interesting insight.  Nowadays a lot of people want to become director, executive officer, entrepreneur, manager. If you asked question yourself, why would you like to become that person? What is your answer? Most of people usually say because of having control, money, fame, success, public awareness and so. All answers aim only to one person, you. I assume that this is reason no.1 why there is a problem in society. This is reason why people cannot stick to their commitments, values. That is reason why there are crisis all around our society. People are self centered. They focus to be more powerful, having more money, being more successful. More you, you, you...

Let me share story I have read in one book. Imagine year 1890, there is Samuel Pierpont Langley- smart, skilled, surrounded with technicians, well funded inventor. He has all what he needs to have success in what he tries to accomplish. He was trying to build first flying machine. However when we look closer at his intention we find following. He wanted become the first person who would build flying machine. Because he knew if he did it, he would achieve fame, money, and appreciation. At other side were brothers Wrights. They didn’t have anything what Langley had. It includes all sources for building of flying machine. However their intentions, motivation and purpose were different. They knew if they succeeded they would help people. They would change travelling, they believe in positive impact to people. They focused on community. They believed and inspired others in community to join them in their cause. That was a real strength of them. And after many attempts, they won like first one. A community built around them won. Can you see a difference?

Why do communities encourage you? Because
  1. Everyone belongs – have feeling that you are part of something bigger, gives you power to win in any circumstances
  2. Deserve a chance- there is no limitation, everybody in a group deserve a shoot
  3. What you do is a important- it doesn’t matter what you do because it will benefit others which mean it is important always
  4. Serve others- you show caring about welfare of others, you know that you can make positive impact in their life’s
  5. Self fulfillment- you are not driven by money, fame but with purpose of your work
I think it is time to build more communities around us. I encourage you, be part of one or initiate new one. If you inside of community, it lets you focus on something more important than yourself. 
"Community let you be active in what you do and achieve better results. "

Let me know what you think about it and if you would like to build any community­ shoot me email about it.          

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Find Out Who You Are and Do It On Purpose

Imagine this for while. You are employed, student, parent or member of some group. What is your goal? Of course make money, pass exams, take care about kids, and succeed. But we are forgetting something. We forget who we are, why we do what we do, we are not being self-aware. Think of you that people would appreciate you like a person more, they would like being in your presence. Would you like it? Key is self-awareness. I was given opportunity to better understand myself and most likely others. Picture, how does self-awareness of yourself can benefit you and others? I am sure you get it.

There is huge difference being or not being self aware. E.g. When I worked and was trying to show my prospects why my service is better than what they have, what often happened was that I was getting: No, I am not interested in, I am happy what I have, I do not need, I am good…you know what does it mean, right? All those answers create emotions which make how I feel. You might think in your mind that all is ok, but what is the reality? In your subconscious you are influenced, which means you let others influence you. And message you want to distribute will be colored with emotions you will share subconsciously. Because more important is how we present rather than what we present. You do not deliver what you want to.

Being self aware means difference. Most of the people would continue working thinking that everything is all right, but is it? When you become self aware, you understand what is going on. You see problem popping out. You realize that if you let it go further, it will have impact on you and people you communicate with.

So think about how do you usually handle critic situation in your life?

If you can be aware of your own emotions, you can improve your effectiveness a lot. How?
  • Putting people at ease
  • Creating  balance between work and personal life
  • Being straightforward
  • Building and maintaining relationship
  • Confronting problems  
Now I better understand myself which gives me power to understand and better communicate with others.  And I am sure you would agree that the most important factor of every relationship (with family, business partners, and friends) is communication.

So what do you think, how you can become more self aware and perceive your own emotions?
What helps me is this: 
  1. Always check how you feel (write down your own emotions)  
  2. Identify source/ is there a reason to keep those emotions
  3. Replace negative emotions with possitive (desire, faith, hope, enthusiasm, love) 
  4. Communicate appropriate message
Self awareness is pivot to leadership and it is crucial how to handle stress situations. The more accurate you can identify you emotional upsets, faster you can recover and represent who you are. The self awareness can be developed through practice. You can practice every day, use opportunities to self reflect on adversity you meet every day.
To sum up, ability to demonstrate you as a cooperative, contributing and self aware member of society is critical for long term success.  

 Do you want to become person who will contribute to society and influence others? You tell me…